14 May 2016
Comfortable elegance describes the design vision for the master bedroom suite and dressing room. As per McKinstrie’s design mandate calling for seamless transition throughout the entire apartment, the highly polished black granite flooring is repeated, as well as fabric colors and textures. With closet space at a premium, McKinstrie designed custom cabinets and display areas to house his love of fashion, especially for his extensive shoe can make the man. If you have a good shoe, you have a good foundation. ” The master bedroom suite is his private sanctuary with a spectacular skyline view. McKinstrie has filled his personal space with treasured objet d’art reflecting his great love for all things French, English, Italian and art deco. A French First Empire mahogany and marble dresser holds special mementos. In need of additional closet space and not wanting to sacrifice the view, McKinstrie purchased two top and bottom 18th-century Chinese wardrobes in a rubbed time-worn patina of soft red. Both floor-to-ceiling pieces flank the bed and provide ample storage.